CIGRE’s Green Books: An Indispensable Industry Resource
After five years of rigorous editorial collaboration tapping into the knowledge and experience of over 20 practicing engineers from around the world, CIGRE has just published a new Green Book on Transformer and Reactor Procurement.
Transformers are one of the most expensive components in the power system, and also contribute a large proportion of the losses. Since these assets typically last for 40 years or longer, making the wrong decisions during the procurement process can have serious and long-lasting consequences.
Green Book editor-in-chief Simon Ryder notes, “We tried to get contributions from as many different countries as possible and with as many different perspectives as possible.”
This Green Book provides those involved in transformer procurement with comprehensive guidance on industry best practices which foster sound decision making. The intended audience includes users, purchasers, manufacturers, and suppliers.
Each of the main stages in the procurement process is described in its own chapter, with detailed guidance on how user expectations and requirements can best be identified and met.
Some of the material in this volume includes design and construction specifications, transformer losses and efficiency, project management, manufacturing, testing, transport, installation, and pre-commissioning. The Green Book is supplemented with 106 figures and 74 tables.
Coeditors in this work include Gilson M. Bastos (MSG Transmission – Brazil), Mike Lamb (Dominion Energy – USA), Tom Breckenridge (TB TCS Ltd – UK), and Tara-Lee MacArthur (Ergon Energy | Energy Queensland – Australia).
Meet the Editor-In-Chief of the Green Book Series on Transformers
Since joining Doble in 2003, Simon Ryder has worked on transformer life management, transformer procurement, especially supplier qualification and development.
He is a senior member of IEEE-PES, a fellow of IET, and a chartered engineer. An active member of CIGRE, he has participated in various working groups on transformer procurement, DGA interpretation, transformer installation, pre-commissioning, and trial operation, and was convenor of CIGRE working group on shunt reactors.
He was chair of CIGRE Committee A2 on power transformers and reactors between 2016 and 2020 and in that capacity began his involvement with Green Books.
About the CIGRE Green Books Series
The Green Books are created by CIGRE experts collaboratively within their study committees and are acknowledged by the power engineering community as the best reference books in their fields. Green Books bring together, in one volume, all the CIGRE knowledge in a specific domain of work including all their existing Technical Brochures. They are comprehensive reference works designed to benefit both newcomers to the field and experienced engineers seeking to revitalize their knowledge.
CIGRE’s Green Books follow a meticulous editorial process. Subject matter for new titles is determined during study committee meetings. After a chair to lead the editorial panel is designated and a table of contents is outlined, committee members are asked to identify potential authors from their respective countries. The lead editor will invite these potential contributors to be coeditors and chapter authors. The editorial panel thoroughly reviews each chapter prior to publication.
New Volume on The Way: Transformer Life Management
The next Green Book currently in production will be on Transformer Life Management and will take the reader through the life of a transformer.
Chapters will cover aging factors of transformers in service, the economics of transformer operation, how to manage losses and parallel operations, maintenance, solid and liquid insulation aging, condition assessment techniques, to name but a few.
Additional Resources
- Transformer and Reactor Procurement Green Book
- CIGRE A2 Study Committee – Power Transformers and Reactors
- Green Books