Presentation of Dedicated Svante Arrhenius Thesis to Open 2011 EuroDoble Colloquium
Watertown, MA, USA – October 13, 2011
The research performed by one of Sweden’s most acclaimed scientists, Svante Arrhenius, laid the groundwork for many of our views on asset life. On Monday, the 17th of October, a print of Arrhenius’s 1886 thesis with a dedicated inscription to his mentor will be presented to the granddaughter of the groundbreaking chemist during the opening of the 2011 EuroDoble Colloquium in Stockholm, Sweden.
Lars Arvidsson discovered the signed thesis at an antiquarian shop in the Netherlands and graciously offered to return the prized document to the scientist’s family. Karin Caldwell, Professor of Surface Biotechnology at Uppsala University and granddaughter of Svante Arrhenius, will be in attendance to accept the document and present on her grandfather’s research and contribution to science.
In 1903, Arrhenius was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his electrolytic theory of dissociation. The Arrhenius definition of acid-base reactions was derived from the thesis Arrhenius completed with the support of Professor Erik Edlund of Stockholm University. The document being presented is dedicated to Professor Edlund, who served as Arrhenius’s mentor and patron during the completion of his instrumental research, at a time when few others believed in his work.
Following this special presentation, attendees will hear from Dr. Stefan Arnborg of Svenska Kraftnät who will deliver a keynote address called “The Swedish Model of Secure National Supply of Electricity,” focusing on the response to the risks facing our industry, from weather-related concerns to the threat of cyber terrorism.
This will be the 17th Annual EuroDoble Colloquium, which is designed for utility engineers involved with maintenance, protection or asset management. It provides a forum to learn from recognized experts, share best practices for managing European power stations and industrial sites, as well as a Utility-Only Session for open discussion without the presence of manufacturers.
To learn more about the 2011 EuroDoble Colloquium, please visit